Sunday, September 23, 2007


Here is a little excerpt from an article that I just read. Click HERE for the link. I had no idea it had gotten this bad. There is no doubt about it, the smart money is on sexual purity until marriage. That means no messing around at all! God knew what He was talking about. These stats don't even take into account the psychological effects of sexual activity outside of marriage.

There is a big difference between sex and what gets called sex in our culture. Sex is great. Sex is OK with God. Sex ONLY occurs within the bounds of marriage with the person you are married to. (By the way, and it is shameful that I have to define marriage but here goes, marriage is only between a man and a woman. Sorry if this steps on your toes. I didn't write the definition or come up with the plan. I'm just a messenger.) Anything else is either adultery, fornication, homosexuality or some other weird perversion that God gets pretty upset about.

Check out this smattering of factual 411 from Dr. Meg Meeker’s new book Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters:

• This year, 8 to 10 million teens will contract an STD.

• Nearly one out of four sexually active teens is living with a sexually transmitted disease at this moment.

• Nearly 50% of African-American teenagers have genital herpes.

• Although teenagers make up just 10% of the population, they acquire 25% of all STDs.

• Herpes (specifically, herpes simplex virus type 2) has skyrocketed 500% in the past 20 years among white teenagers.

• One in five children over the age of 12 tests positive for herpes type 2.

• Nearly one out of ten teenage girls has chlamydia, and half of all new chlamydia cases are diagnosed in girls 15 to 19 years old.

• STDs accounted for 87% of all cases reported of the top ten most frequently reported diseases in the United States in 1995.

• This new epidemic is not just cursing those “poor inner city kids.” No, the viruses have solidly taken up residence in the suburbs.

Yep, the reality is that every twenty-four hours 21,000 teens are slapped, saddled, infused and infected with some creepy, nasty and potentially deadly bug brought about by following the advice of our crass culture.
He didn't say anything about HIV or AIDS in this group. I'd be scared to see what kind of numbers there are there. Those herpes numbers are almost as bad as the HIV numbers in Africa. That's just scary!

Just think of how this will effect Hillarycare if, God forbid, we should get it, when the long-term effects of these diseases become more evident. And we thought that Social Security was going to bust us. Because of the foolish political correctness that has paralyzed the minds of everyone in the government, it is becoming more and more difficult for insurance companies to refuse coverage for STDs (and especially HIV/AIDS.) There are very few times that you will see me feeling sorry for an insurance company, but they are getting more than they bargained for with this deal.

I read another article not long ago that talked about the growing number of STDs among seniors too. Wow. More fuel to the fire. But we don't want to curb our sexual appetites or actually obey the Bible or something. We have to find a cure so we can keep on with our sinful - yes, SINFUL - lifestyles. Well the day is coming, and may already be here, where there won't be any pills to make it go away, or, for that matter, even to hold it at bay.


Serena Rainey said...

Now they want to force 11-year-old girls to get shots so they can't catch HPV. So what's next? Serve girls up on a plate with apples in their mouths? At what age? Since it looks as if 11 is the new 13, I guess the next stage will be to offer them, cleaned, waxed, painted, perfumed and woodstained, at nine? Then in another generation, simply mail them to random strange males in doll packages at seven? Five? At birth? After all, we wouldn't want to repress anyone, would we?

Jonathan said...

The really sad thing is that everyone just accepts that this is the way it is going to be. That governor in Texas just assumed that everyone, no, let me correct that, every GIRL should be inoculated for HPV because, of course, no one should be expected to control their hormonal urges.

The kids aren't finding out about this stuff in their "sex ed" classes. They aren't finding out that you can get genital herpes from having oral sex with someone who has a cold sore. (I was shocked when I found that out too. I actually know someone it happened to.)

The thing is, that with numbers like the ones quoted in the post you don't get many (if any) chances to mess up. One time is enough to get any venereal disease. One slip is enough to end up with a disease that you will carry with you to the grave.

When will people finally get it that God really has our best interests at heart? Our society is so screwed up. Young men and women are entering puberty already broken - many have already been abused - and we wonder that they reach for what they think is love. God help us.

Thanks for reading and commenting, Serena.