Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Song This Week

One thing that I don't think that I have ever mentioned here is that I write music for church. So far I have probably written (or contributed to) about 20 songs. Some of the earlier ones aren't too great. They may never see publication. However, over the past few years my songs have been getting better. I hope to have some of them published soon.

I have a number of songs where I have written both words and lyrics, but the last couple have been resetting some outdated hymns to better (in my opinion) tunes. The first one that I did was Rescue The Perishing. I am very happy with the way that this one turned out. Let me tell you, it is a strange feeling to share creative credit with one so well known as Fanny Crosby!

I wrote my second this week. It is a re-write of the song Let Your Heart Be Broken. I am looking forward to seeing how it is received tomorrow.

I guess my method is kind of random. This week I was working with the fellow who will be preaching at our church on Sunday. We were putting music together and I showed him this song. We both liked the lyrics - he said that they would perfectly fit his sermon this week - but we both really hated the tune. I told him that I'd try to reset the song that afternoon if I had time. (We had our worship team rehearsal Thursday night.) The rest of my day was filled with errands. I thought that there was no way I'd have time to come up with something and get it into Finale in time for the rehearsal.

Well, I got home and within 15 minutes had come up with the tune. And within another 30 minutes I had transcribed it into Finale. I even got the rhythms right on the first try! (That NEVER happens - a sure sign of Divine intervention!) Well, I guess I can credit Divine intervention if the song is well received, but I'll take the heat if it tanks!

I would have to say, though, that most (if not all) of my songs have come by way of Divine inspiration. I don't know why I was given the gift, but I am sure glad to have it. More later!


Wade Huntsinger said...

Cool, sometimes it can only be a God thing. I love the old hymns set to better and more upbeat music.

Jonathan said...

Music is funny. Some of the really old ones are still just as vibrant and powerful today, and others just don't have the staying power. I'd be shocked if any of my songs are around in 50 years, but they are good for the here and now. Who knows what will have happened with music in that amount of time? What an honor it would be to grab one of those songs from the heart of God that will be with the church until she is taken home!