Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I Beg To Differ...

A recent study showed the median income of major corporate CEOs to be about $8 million a year. That's less than a third of what Alex Rodriguez earns and less than one-thirtieth of what Oprah Winfrey makes. But no one is denouncing them for "greed."
- Random Thoughts
By Thomas Sowell
Monday, September 3, 2007

It may not be terribly Republican of me to say so, but I totally denounce this disparity as greed. Why is it that the least useful, least productive people in an organization are the highest paid? Why are the people that are selling American industry out for short term profits being treated like rock stars? Why do they get golden parachutes after running companies into the ground with their self serving, short sighted business decisions while productive American workers lose their pensions and have to scrape by on unemployment? As one lady I know puts it, "They're as useless as tits on a bull."

It is greed - pure and simple. Once upon a time business men felt that they had a responsibility to their workers. For the most part those days are gone.

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