Monday, July 12, 2004

Should The US Postpone Elections In the Event of a Terror Strike?

I found a couple of articles today that you might want to check out.

Article I

Article II

Apparently, the government has started making contingency plans for the US election in the event that terrorists are indeed able to attack us between now and the election.

I'm not sure what I think about this. It seems like a Catch 22 for President Bush either way. If the elections are postponed the lefties will say that he "stole" the election again. If they aren't postponed and Bush wins they will say the same thing.

What do you guys think? I'm pretty hard headed. I plan to go to the polls regardless, but I live in a tiny little town that probably isn't even on the terrorists' radar screen. It is easy to swagger when there isn't much of a threat of anything happening here! I still think that I'd vote even if the stakes were higher, but that is all hypothetical at this point.

My personal feeling is that we should go ahead and have the vote unless the terror attacks happen on election day. If the attack happened on election day I would go ahead and postpone them or do a re-vote just to make sure that everyone got the chance to vote and to make sure that everyone's vote was counted.

Sound off and let me know what you would do. I'm curious.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Yeah, I agree. Move on and let the Dems whine for another four years. It isn't like they could hate the President MORE than they already do. Sheesh!