Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Is It True?

A gentleman in the office where I work made an assertion yesterday that I found just shocking. He said, "It doesn't make any sense getting upset about politics. One day you'll realize that regardless of who is in office it isn't going to make a difference in your day to day life...."

I guess I am just too much of a romantic to believe that that statement is true. Perhaps I am too much of a realist too. I remember the Jimmy Carter days and even as a young child I knew that things weren't that great in our country. I have been told about gas lines and runaway inflation and outrageous interest rates. I also remember that during the Reagan years things got progressively better. So, fundamentally I just have to disagree with my co-worker's statement.

Perhaps once upon a time there was a period where it didn't matter so much who was in office. That time certainly isn't now. Let us consider the things that the Democrats stand for.

First of all, the Democrats largely favor gun control laws. If you don't believe it, look to Congress and see which party has proposed the lion's share of legislation regarding gun control. Look at the majority of people who voted for those bills. Look at the states whose gun control laws are the most restrictive - they are states that vote traditionally Democrat.

Secondly, Democrats favor tax increases. This seems to be a mantra of all Democrats. Of course, when Republicans want to lower taxes, Democrats moan that the tax cuts aren't fair: that they are only lowering taxes for a very small portion of the people. Oddly enough, when the Democrats are in power, they never lower anyone's taxes. Funny how it works that way.

Democrats are also in favor of big government. They believe that the government is better than anyone at anything. They can raise your kids better than you can. They can prepare for your retirement better than you can. They can spend your money better than you can. They can protect you better than you can.

The Democrats love to pretend that they are great champions of the little man too. However, is this self-testimonial true? Hardly. Democrats favor policies that keep the "little man" down. How many people have been set free or improved by the welfare system? Few if any. What does affirmative action tell a minority? If I were to receive a job or a position because of affirmative action I wouldn't feel like I had earned it. It basically tells minorities that they aren't good enough to make it on their own merit; they need a crutch. How about taxes? Who do taxes hurt the most? That's right. The little guy. And we know how often the Democrats lower taxes.

Another problem with the Democrats is their seeming enamoredness with the United Nations. The Democrats have bowed to the UN way too many times. Bill Clinton was willing to bring the United States under the jurisdiction of an international court. The rallying cry of the Democrats since the escalation toward hostilities in Iraq has been, “We need a UN resolution!” The UN is an evil organization that seeks to undermine the sovereignty of every nation on this earth. They make American politics and politicians look like worshipers at a church picnic. Anybody who would support the UN’s agenda is a borderline traitor if not a full blown one.

One of the things that I hate most about so many members of the Democratic Party is their overarching self-absorption. Democrats will do absolutely anything to benefit themselves. For instance, Bill Clinton accepted money from China for his campaigns. (Oddly, about the same time he relaxed trade restrictions that allowed China access to technology that gave them the ability to deliver long-range nuclear weapons – technology that China has sold throughout the world to our detriment.) John Kerry changes his mind about his position on everything depending on whom he is talking to. Al Gore called for how many recounts of the Florida ballots in the 2000 election? John Edwards uses his first term in the Senate to campaign for the Presidency. The list goes on and on and on.

However, the most offensive thing about the Democratic Party is its complete disregard for morality. Democrats support abortion on demand. They support partial birth abortion. They favor euthanasia. They oppose the protection of the family and the traditional definitions of marriage and family. And they lie with satanic ease. These things are absolutely unacceptable, and in and of themselves would be reason enough to not elect them.

You will never convince me that it doesn’t matter who is in charge of our country. If the governance of our country were left to the “superstars” of the Democratic Party, I would hate to see what would happen. I am sure that it would be ugly. I know that it is considered “old fashioned” to refer to the Bible about these sorts of things, but I don’t care. The Bible makes it very clear that the person (or people) who is in charge of a country DIRECTLY affects the destiny of the country. The ruler sets the tone for the society. Under David, Nehemiah, Hezekiah, and Josiah the nation of Israel thrived and was safe from its enemies, but the evil of Jeroboam, Ahab, Jezebel, and Ahaz brought death, destruction, and exile to Israel and Judah. The same thing will happen here if we don’t stand for what is right.

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.
- Edmund Burke 1729-1797

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

It's just like we were talking about the other night. It may be a futile struggle, and we may lose in the end, but I'd rather be the one that goes down swinging than the one who invites the enemy in without a fight. In the immortal words of Patrick Henry:

If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!