Monday, June 28, 2004

Mad As A March Hare

Al Gore has been busy proving that there is a God and that He must still love America (at least a little bit.)

Most failed Presidential hopefuls fade off into the sunset, causing very little stir politically ever again. In fact, alot of times we find that we actually like them better once they aren't in politics anymore. Take for example former Senator Bob Dole (whose wife is currently serving as my Senator.) While he was in office and during his campaign for President, Bob was a cranky-looking fellow who didn't look like he could be trusted to pet kittens, let alone run the country. Later, we figured out what the problem had been when he started doing ads for Viagra! Ever since then, Bob has been in a rather jovial mood. I dare say he'd stand a pretty good chance if he ever decided to go for office again.

Al Gore has been completely different. He has refused to go away, consigned to the fact that his political career is OVER. I think that the man has lost his mind. No, SERIOUSLY! I'm not talking about the garden variety "you're out of your mind" sort of crazy that you assign to people with whom you disagree, but about the kind where you should be locked away in the padded room because you are a danger to yourself and others. Steve H. wrote a hilarious blog post on Friday where he discussed a speech that Gore made describing President Bush and his supporters as "Brown Shirts." I think my favorite was a comment that defended Gore's actions, saying that he was getting ready for his new career as a WWF wrestler!

It is pretty amazing looking back at the progression that Al has taken since losing the election. He was already acting unstable during the campaign. Like Steve I remember being outraged that Gore would actually go so far as to imitate President Reagan to try to win the election. That was pretty scary. Then there was the recount fiasco in Florida. President Bush calmly went back to his ranch in Texas, while Al Gore worked himself into a froth refusing to accept that after 6 recounts the result was still going to be the same. (Thank God the Supreme Court finally stepped in and said enough is enough.) Since then Al has become more and more venomous in his attacks on the President and more and more unhinged. His past two speeches have made the Howard Dean screech seem tame by comparison.

What I want to know is who actually goes and listens to someone who has clearly lost his grip on reality? Are they going for the carnival effect of seeing a freak in action, or even scarier, do they actually think that he is making sense? It is telling that even the Democratic Party is beginning to distance itself from this fruitcake. Can you blame them? I'm guessing that the next election he'll be running in place of Ralph Nader, but that is just a guess. Ralph may not be willing to step aside.

All I can say is that I thank God that Looney Al wasn't in office when we were attacked on 9/11/01. I can't even imagine what he would have done, but I am quite sure that he wasn't competent to run this country. So, Virginia, if you need proof that there is a God, just look to the results of the 2000 election!

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