Saturday, June 26, 2004


I finally got to see Hidalgo this afternoon at the cinema. I was afraid that I'd miss it on the big screen, and I'm glad that I didn't. It was as good as I had hoped that it would be. The only negative that I saw was that the term "Christian" was applied to a woman that very clearly was not. Perhaps that was the intent of the writer or director or whomever was responsible for it. I get the feeling that it was supposed to be a bit of a joke. Anyway, the Christians watching the movie found it ironic. Of course, most of the Arabs were portrayed as either murderous fiends or as arrogant and prejudiced. So, I guess that made it all fair. I thought that the movie did a really good job of capturing at least some aspects of the American mindset. I don't really want to take the time to write about all of that right now. I want to think on it a bit more, and then I can do the movie justice in my analysis! Have a good weekend!

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