Wednesday, November 07, 2007

There Are Always Consequences

A new UK study says that induced abortion is the best predictor of breast cancer (emphasis mine), and calls the current widespread incidence of breast cancer epidemic. The study appears in the Fall edition of The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, and is authored by Patrick Carroll, M.A., who is the Director of Research for the Pension and Population Research Institute in London.
You really need to read the entire article. Click HERE.

It would seem that there actually are consequences to abortion that threaten the mother's life long after the immediate risk of the abortion. The risks during the abortion are many and are well documented - in spite of Planned Parenthood's claim that they are making abortion safe. (See THIS post from earlier.)

Once again there is evidence that the pro-infanticide group has sold the women of the world a bill of goods. Far from being the quick and easy solution to an unwanted pregnancy it turns out that abortion is THE BEST predictor of breast cancer. Guess what else makes the list of risky behaviors for women in terms of breast cancer: Hormonal contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy.

There are some non-risky behaviors for women who want to avoid breast cancer. Here they are:

1) Bearing children
2) Giving birth at a low age
3) Giving birth to a larger number of children
4) Breastfeeding.

Interesting. I guess God meant what he said when He said, "Be fruitful and multiply." Isn't it interesting that He seems to have set it up so that things are actually better for the health of a woman if she has children (i.e. if she does what He said to do)? Apparently God isn't worried about overpopulation. God set up a natural order for things, and told us what to do yet we in our "cleverness" and "wisdom" think that we know better. In the end we only make it worse.

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