Thursday, August 30, 2007

Stuff That Concerns Me...

There are a number of things going on in the world today that concern me - and most of them seem related. I guess if I had to put a headline on it it would be:

Massive Global Anti-US Empire Forming!

Why do I say this? Well, first of all there is China. China has become more and more bold in its intentions of becoming the next world power. Who could stop them? The former administration gave them technology that moved their rocket program light years forward - that and the espionage that China has engaged in. (And the illegal campaign contributions to the Democratic party.) They are also moving towards a Lunar mission that will without a doubt give them ICBM capability.

Add to that China's massive industrial capability, 1.6 billion population, and overall institutional disregard for human life, and we would have our hands full in any military confrontation with them.

China is also very cozy with the majority of the governments in South America and many in the Caribbean. For more information about that please refer to this article by Newsmax. Chinese companies control the Panama Canal - they own a port on the eastern side. They are also going to be involved in the expansion of the canal and are trying to establish another port on the west coast.

Recently China has denied any imperialistic aspirations, but based on their attitude towards Hong Kong and Taiwan, methinks they protesteth too loudly.

Moving a little closer to home is Hugo Chavez the dictator of Venezuela. Chavez has become bolder and bolder throughout the Americas and the world at establishing connections with the United States' enemies. He is a huge fan of (the late?) Fidel Castro. He has been downright cozy with Iran's nutcase leader. And he is working like a madman to establish ties with China - ties that include military hardware. On top of all of that, Chavez has been working to destabilize the governments of South America. After the earthquake in Peru, Chavez sent relief supplies with his image emblazoned on them deriding the Peruvian government for not being able to take care of its own people. He has also been making friendly advances to the oil producing countries in South America promising the big brotherly assistance of Venezuela in the development of their oil industries. Anyone smell a rat?

Cuba is still a wild card. Who knows what will happen when it is finally announced that Fidel Castro is dead? If we aren't careful, Chavez will incorporate it into his Latino curtain. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Oh yes, that reminds me that China has gotten permission from Cuba to drill for oil offshore. Experts think that it is one of the biggest untapped stores in the world. Now does it make sense for Chavez to try to move in?

Of course there is the cooperation of Iran and Syria in all of this nonsense. And North Korea is a part of this axis of evil, and on top of it all Russia is sounding very militant again. I suspect that even though France has threatened military action against Iran that they would probably hop on board rather than get creamed again. It all points to a very ugly showdown in the not too distant future. I hope I am wrong, but I fear that I am right.

Update 11:57 8/30/07

I am glad to hear that President Bush has this stuff on his radar... Granted, he did say "If they ever turned hostile..." Just how hostile do they have to be? I have been saying it since before the 2000 election. The moves China is making are strategic and worrisome. If we wait too long to counter we'll end up like the fellow who allowed the anaconda to casually wrap itself around his body. By the time the "hostilities" began, resistance was futile.

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