Thursday, August 30, 2007

Have You Heard?

Bill Kristol, Fox News analyst and editor of the Weekly Standard has visited Iraq and is extremely impressed by the progress that has been made there by the troop build up. This article that I discovered yesterday elaborates more on his findings.

Why am I not surprised that I have not seen much about this in the headlines anywhere or on the news sites? Thank God that consensus does not drive truth. Because the consensus in the Main Stream Media is that the war in Iraq is not winnable. Every day we are bombarded with negative messages about the war. It has done my heart so much good to read the report that I linked to above.

Apparently it is true because the Democrats have turned cannibal when one of their own, Rep. Brian Baird had the audacity to change his mind about the war after visiting Iraq. I can't imagine any scenario where a Democrat would change his mind and agree with the President by suggesting that we stay the course if there wasn't truly progress on the ground in Iraq. Bless Rep. Baird for his integrity on this matter.

The Democrats who are attacking Rep. Baird remind me of a Proverb, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
- Adolph Hitler

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