Friday, August 31, 2007

Quote of The Day

…Americans cast their eyes toward Washington and see ethically and morally challenged politicians from both sides of the aisle who put their needs or the needs of their party, before the national security interests of the United States. In the guise of our nation’s capital, they see a opaque cesspool of hedonism that has managed to attract the weak of character into its epicenter.
- Douglas MacKinnon, Hillary Is Right, Republicans Will Win The White House

That pretty well sums up what I think of Washington right now.


Wade Huntsinger said...

Yea, I know what you mean, but it is also a sign of the last days of a cowboy, which since then people have been trying to hang on to that spirit through varous means. It's hard to believe that something that made such an impact only lasted about 30 years in its fullest state.

Jonathan said...

I hear you. There was certainly a romance to the whole cowboy era. Too bad it wasn't much like those heroes from the 50's and 60's played it. If the cowboys in Washington were like Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, etc., this complaint wouldn't be valid.

I'm ready for another Great Awakening. We're still feeling the impact of the first one, but we're desparately in need of another. One that establishes the true freedom that true Christianity provides.