Thursday, October 25, 2007

Anyone For Chinese?

Apparently Hillary can't get enough Chinese. She's managed to get herself all caught up in another illegal foreign campaign contribution scandal. Why am I not surprised? Why am I even less surprised that the money is coming from the Chinese?

Michelle Malkin wrote about it HERE.

Asian-American groups don't like the increased public scrutiny that Hillary Clinton's mysterious Chinese dishwasher donors are getting….

In the wake of eye-opening investigations by the New York Post and Los Angeles Times of more dubious foreign funny money flowing into Hill's coffers, ethnic grievance organizations are stepping forward to condemn these stories as examples of "negligent journalism." Yep. The newspapers are guilty of "negligence" because they actually broke news instead of covering it up.

Both papers uncovered dishwashers, cooks and other suspect Hillary campaign contributors in New York's Chinatown, Flushing, the Bronx and Brooklyn who were limited-income, limited-English-proficient and smellier than stinky tofu. One Asian donor admitted to the Los Angeles Times "to lacking the legal-resident status required for giving campaign money." Another, Hsiao Wen Yang, told the New York Post she was reimbursed for her $1,000 donation -- setting off clear alarm bells over yet another possible straw donor scheme on the heels of Norman Hsu-gate. …

We've been here so many times before. With convicted DNC fundraiser John Huang and Charlie Trie and Pauline Kanchanalak and Maria Hsia. With the Chinese Buddhist monks and nuns who helped engineer a Gore campaign reimbursement scheme and shredded documents related to their temple fundraiser. With former Chinese-American Democrat governor of Washington, Gary Locke, who also took money from Chinese temple donors who couldn't speak English, couldn't remember when they donated or couldn't be located.
This is treason. It is about time the Republicans start holding the Democrats' feet to the fire over this. The Chinese are trying to buy influence in our government and the Democrats are running to the money fountain.

I have spent the past couple of days talking about the threat that I see posed by China. I have written numerous articles on this blog about it. If the Democrats - or ANY US politician - are found to have taken money from China (or ANY other foreign government) then they should be impeached and at the very least thrown in jail for a VERY long time. If their treason results in the death of even one American citizen then they should receive the death penalty - OLD SCHOOL. I am so totally disgusted by the corruption, utter stupidity and self serving being done by the politicians of this country.

Anyone know Mandarin? If the Democrats have their way, we'll all be speaking it.

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