Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Sucker

John Edwards is on the campaign trail, wowing crowds with his slick answers and pretty hair. Just recently he was in Iowa talking about hunting of all things.

Mike Hanlon, of Glenwood, said afterward he was impressed by the way the crowd responded to Edwards and by his attitude.

"I just think Edwards can work with both parties, and he seems honest," said Hanlon, who hasn't decide who to support in the caucuses.

I have news for you, Mike. John Edwards is about as honest as Albert Einstein was dumb.

You have fallen for his best ruse - the sympathetic politician. It is the same ruse that he uses when he tells you - with a straight face no less - that those millions he won chasing ambulances was all for the sake of the victims. That is why he pocketed over 50% of the settlements in many cases, right?

You think he can work with both parties? Wrong again. John Edwards is one of the most liberal Senators to ever go to Washington for North Carolina. Notice that I didn't say "serve" North Carolina or "represent" North Carolina. He did neither. From the time that he was elected to the Senate he began his campaign for the Presidency. He missed over 50% of the votes during his time in office, and when he was on the road campaigning with Kerry his record was even worse. So, I don't think that you can say that John Edwards did much work when he was in office either.

I'd also like to point out that John Edwards wholly embraced the Democratic Party platform and line. He never worked with anyone across the aisle. In fact, when he did manage to show up to work in the Senate he was responsible for many filibusters of President Bush's judicial (and other) appointees. Not exactly the way to "work" with both parties.

You missed the one quality of John Edwards that I would not be able to deny. He IS consistent. I could always count on John Edwards to vote strictly along party lines. I could almost always count on him to vote against my desires as his constituent. So I could not deny that John Edwards IS consistent. He is consistently all about whatever is best for John Edwards.

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