Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Tide Is Turning

There is now a group out there called Jewish Democrats for Bush. How cool is that? My only question is what took them so long? I guess old habits die hard. There was an article at Newsmax today about this group and some of the factors that have gone in to getting this group of people to walk away from the Democratic party and support the President.

I have often been amazed that as a demographic Jewish people have favored the Democrats. I have never seen a particularly large base of support for Israel among the Democratic Party. In fact, there have been several gaffes by Democrats in regards to Jewish people in general. There was that "Hymietown" comment by Jesse Jackson. Then there was Clinton's deceitful treatment of Netanyaju in the Wright Patterson accords and in the election between Barak and Netanyaju. And the Left is constantly coming down on the side of the "palestinian" cause.

I am glad to see this demographic starting to recognize who its true friends are. I hope that I never see the day that the United States abandons Israel. Our security is tied up in hers.

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