Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tomorrow will be a major gardening day - at least as I have it planned right now. There is tons to do. I need to do some plowing and I need to weed and hoe. I need to re-plant some of my peas and get my ground ready for tomatoes and other things. It should be a day full of activity.

Beyond that there have been some good things happening. I recently got to attend the MorningStar Spiritual Warfare conference at Heritage. That was really good. I learned some things, but mostly they helped me to fit some pieces together for me. That was the best part. I was pleased to hear the harmony of their message with the guys at the International House Of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City.

Of course on the heels of a spiritual warfare conference there has been some to contend with, but the good thing is that it has mostly been helping to cement the lessons that I learned at the conference and is teaching me how to fight better from day to day. I look forward to expanding the Kingdom of God in my sphere of influence. It starts with my own home.

The weather here has been glorious. I really could not ask for better, and I am looking forward to doing some camping with a friend in the mountains this weekend. I need a retreat. I think this should do nicely. It is supposed to rain some this weekend. I hope it won't be too bad. I'd be fine if it would bypass the place where we are camping, but I think they need rain up there, so I won't complain. I just hope that on this camping trip the skunk that I encountered on the last trip won't show up.

I noticed that Arlen Specter defected to the Democratic Party today. All I can say is that it is about time. I don't know why he didn't do it years ago. It's not like he was a real Republican to begin with. He's been acting like a Democrat for all these years. It isn't that I want the Democrats to get any more votes. I certainly don't, but it chafes me for people to pretend to be something they are not. I guess that applies to just about everyone in Washington.

The only down side is that it puts us one vote away from the Democrats having the ability to stop a filibuster. Thank God for that one vote. We weren't helped any by Al Franken's theft of the election for his senate seat. If only Republicans would be so audacious as he.

With the legislation that is getting rammed through these days the Republicans need to figure out how to filibuster and use it well. I am very displeased by this hate crimes bill that is being run through. Once again, I am astounded by how long it takes to pass reasonable, helpful legislation and yet how quickly a bill that tries to gut the constitution or something that the government has no business putting its hands on can rip through both houses. Refer to the quote in my banner if you want to know how I really feel about it. God will judge.

I will try to do a better job of blogging. I have stayed away from the news a lot lately because I have a severe allergy to stupidity and liars. This allergy makes me want to yell and say ugly words, and it makes it very hard to pray for the people that I am supposed to be praying for. This is bad because it could cause me to be mistaken for a Right-Wing Extremist. Oh wait... But then again in this "new" atmosphere even a centrist looks like one. God help us.

Anyway, that is enough ranting and rambling for one night. I'll do my best to get you updated again soon!


Deborah Kirby said...

"I have a severe allergy to stupidity and liars." Now that is FUNNY! ---- So sad that it is even a case in point, but funny nonetheless!

Jonathan said...

And unfortunately Benadryl won't touch those allergies!