Tuesday, November 06, 2007

This Kind Of Stupidity Is Why Public Schools Are Failing

If I had children I doubt that I would allow them to go to public school. Stories of THIS kind of stupidity abound.

A 13-year-old junior high school student was given two days of detention after school officials spotted her hugging friends after school last Friday.

Megan Coulter, an eighth-grade student at Mascoutah Middle School, was hugging her friends goodbye after school Friday when vice principal, Randy Blakely, saw her and told her she would receive two after-school detentions.

Blakely had previously warned Coulter that she was in violation of the school's policy on public displays of affection after she was seen hugging a student at a football game.

The school's policy says that “displays of affection should not occur on the campus at any time.”
If the child were tonsil-tickling another student in some passionate embrace it would be one thing, but this is stupid. God help us if this vice principal were ever deputized and allowed to carry a gun! He'd make Barney Fife look like a model of levelheadedness.

How do boobs like this get in these positions? Perhaps it has something to do with the idea that a baseball player can make $8 million a year (or more) but we are straining to pay starting teachers even $30k a year. Our priorities are in the wrong place, and there is little to attract our most qualified people to these jobs. That is not to say that there aren't some wonderful administrators and teachers out there, but sadly, they are becoming fewer and fewer.

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